I learned about the Muffin Tin Mondays a while ago, and have decided that it is finally time for me to get in the game. I think that using a muffin tin to put together D's meals is great. I am able to make sure that I am giving her a balanced meal, and she has fun checking out all the little nooks and crannies. I have tried this out a few times. Here is what I have done.
This is our meal for this week. There was no theme.
Top Row: Edemame, cheese and mini bowtie pasta
Bottom Row: Plum, there was milk in the empty spot but D pulled it out as soon as I put it down and crackers
D enjoying her Muffin Tin Meal (MTM).
This was my first try at a MTM. I was worried about D taking the whole tray and throwing it on the floor, so we tried individual cups.
Green: Banana Rings Yellow: Baby carrot sticks
Red: Yellow Bell Pepper strips Blue: Cheddar Cheese
I made this one when we got our new "tin" to see if D would dump it all on the floor or not. Thankfully, she didn't, at least not as soon as I gave it to her. I will say that the bottom row did go first.Top row: Cucumber sticks, shredded cheese, American Chop Suey
Bottom Row: Cherries, pretzels, apple cinnamon rice cakes.
I tried making an MTM to go with Goodnight Moon, which has been D's favorite book recently, no matter what time of day.
Top: Grape Tomatoes -- red balloon, Bunny Cheddar Crackers -- bunny in the story, mozzarella cheese -- cow, apple cinnamon rice cakes -- moon, macaroni and cheese -- bowl full of mush, and brussels sprouts -- rabbit food, and something green for the great, green room.
I am looking forward to doing this regularly for D. Though she's a little young to really get the connections, we're getting there, and Mommy is having a lot of fun!