Tonight is the last night of Chanukah. As a friend said... "though I hate to see it go, as a parent a 357 day break doesn't sound so bad.
I felt that I couldn't have 8 nights of Chanukah music and not include Debbie Friedman. She was an icon in Jewish music. Sadly, she passed away this past year. She will be missed in the Jewish community, but her music lives on!
Tonight we spent the night with my husband's family. My daughter was very excited to get to spend some time with aunts, uncles and cousins. As a special treat, my brother in law was in from Vermont. We had a great Chanukah party!
Tonight's song is "The Hanukkah Song" from Special Agent Oso. Disney Junior is big in my house, and I am always happy when they show something for Chanukah too. This song came from an episode where Oso helped children get ready for Chanukah, Christmas and Kwanza. I'm not sure how long Disney Junior will keep their Magical Holidays on their site, but be sure to check it out. Oso has an activity than encompasses the three holidays from the show.
Good Morning! By the time we lit our Chanukiah (menorah) and got the kids to bed last night, I was a little tired and I guess spacey. Sorry...
Here is the Maccabeats Chanukah song for this year, Miracle. As you watch the video, you will notice references to the Miracle Match Campaign. This is being done through Gift of Life. This is a great organization, trying to help find bone marrow and stem cell matches for people with Leukemia, cancer and other hard to treat diseases. My husband worked for them and would travel around the country helping and caring for the amazing people who took time out of their lives to donate a part of themselves to save another. What is specifically important about this organization is that it is getting the word out in the Jewish community. You are more likely to match with someone with a similar background to yours. The more members of the Jewish community to register, the more people can be treated. The test is a simple swab of your mouth and is not painful at all. If you haven't done so already, getting swabbed could save someone's life, and there is minimal interruption to your life.
I have XM radio in my car, and have spent the last several days listening to the Chanukah station. Now they have a very interesting mix of music. We have heard Barbra Streisand, Fiddler on the Roof, Debbie Friedman, and then some odd forms of Jewish rap. (I wish I could think of some the groups or songs we have have heard. If I can find them I will post them for another night.)
I was listening yesterday, on my way to Publix (bad idea on the Friday before Christmas weekend) and heard a song that really caught my interest. Throughout my shopping trip I was trying to remember "Rabbi Neal Katz" so that I could find it for all of you when I got home.
Here is Rabbi Neal Katz singing "On the Air."
Hope that you are all having a great Chanukah, and wishing, those who celebrate, a very Merry Christmas!
It's Friday, so that means we lit candles for Shabbat and for Chanukah tonight. My island is aglow with two Menorahs and the Shabbat Candles. I love watching Sprout's face as we go through this nightly ritual. I'll try and get pictures one night, it's just tough when holding Squeaker to take pictures.
Here is the Maccabeats' song from last year "Candlelight." We I really enjoy hearing modern music for Chanukah (and Modern Jewish music, in general). Not sure how Jolly Green Daddy feels, I think it depends on the song, and the kids think it is all the same.
I am happy to say that my house no longer smells like latkes. As much as I love to eat them, living with the smell for days is not as enjoyable.
Here is my song for tonight. This is : " Light One Candle" sung by Peter, Paul and Mary. This was a favorite of my family growing up. I can remember singing it in Hebrew School music class. Admittedly, it is a little dated, but the message is still a good one.
This is the first year where my Sprout is really beginning to understand about Chanukah. (She is also more aware of Christmas this year too.) This has made for much more interesting conversations. I love watching how eager she is to do projects, light the candles and play dreidel.
On the first night of Chanukah, we had latkes and apple sauce and stuffed cabbage. Thank you Michael Symon! They were great. In fact, I think this year's latkes are probably the best I've ever made. Who knew that I needed to use that much oil!?
I'm going to try to include a song for each night. Here is the first:
A special thank you to The Angel Forever for introducing me to this song.