The other day, I told you about the foods that Small Fry cannot eat. What does this mean for us now? It means I'm doing a lot of cooking from scratch. When we started down this path, my initial research into Corn Intolerances showed that any convenience foods we may have eaten would be a thing of the past.
The afternoon after Small Fry's doctor's appointment, I began to analyze the contents of our pantry, fridge and cabinets. I'm still not sure how I did it without breaking down. I knew that corn was in a lot of foods, but never realized just how much. I used a list like this one. And pulled out 95% of the what we had in the house. I just kept reminding myself that what I was doing would improve the health of my family.
A month later, we received the results of the intolerance testing we had done. We did the most basic test we could. It tested for 50 foods, 10 additives and 10 colors. It was time to reexamine our diets again.
To find new foods and recipes for us, I've been spending a lot of time on Pinterest. Not that I didn't before, but now I'm looking for more specific foods and boards.
I'm hoping to post more about the recipes we try and any that we create on our own as we travel through the maze. I also know that having a detailed menu plan is going to be the easiest way for us to navigate. I will also try to include that here.

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