So for the next week this is my four legged "man of the house". Don't let the sleepy face fool you, he is actually very protective!
So anyway my plans for this week are to try to get the house in order while JGD is away.
- Clean the outside refrigerator (This would be from when the breaker got turned off and everything spoiled. I will admit sadly that we haven't want to approach it, and it had sat untouched for a while. Which is both an energy and wallet drain.)
- While I'm already in the garage, I should probably work on straightening the garage as best I can. This will be a major trick, since I think half of my mother-in-laws 4 bedroom house currently resides in my garage.
- Clean out the kitchen so Sprout will not be able to dump stuff off the tables and counters anymore. Wouldn't it be great if the counters were actually clear???
- I guess that would include trying to straighten out the "tupperware" cabinet. Ugh.
- Actually put the childsafe lock on the drawer in the master bath.
- If I'm already in there, I should probably clean out the cabinets under the sinks so that they are ready for stockpiling.
- Put away everything in the study that we took out when we were "cleaning" the closet.
- Which means that I need to clean out the filing cabinet too.
- Make a pillowcase just for Sprout. Who knew it would be so hard to find a just a pillowcase for a child? I have a plan, the question is can I execute it?
- Clean up the laundry room, and downstair bathroom cabinet. Again looking for room to stockpile. The laundry room is also where I store everything for Tot School. Looks like that needs some looking at.
- Straighten up the living room. While it looks like a furniture showroom due to the very different couches that currently reside there.
- Try to set up a chore schedule that meets our needs.
- Including a laundry schedule.
- Try to create a daily schedule for Sprout and I that includes exercise, Tot School and outside time.
I would love to hear any suggestions anyone has because I am trying to overcome the Messies and get organized. As I love to say I am the most anal disorganized person I know. My files are color coded, but no one said there's actually anything in them :-).

No suggestions at this point, just sending lots of good luck wishes! Enjoy... it's such a wonderful feeling to know that any one of those things actually get done. Worth the pain and the process, I believe :)