(We are now going to pause for a Blogger identification break.)
I haven't mentioned any of this before, but I'm feeling the need to share, so bear with me. In December JGD lost his job. So we've been coping with the fact that our originally 2 income household, which dropped to 1 when Sprout was born is now.... um.... in trouble... JGD has been working very hard to find a job, and I have been working very hard to figure out how I can help. I've decided that I will be opening an Etsy shop where I will sell crocheted products. Here are some of the blankets I have made.
I am currently working on a basket weave pattern for Sprout and I will upload pictures of that when I'm done. I think my plan for right now is to load pictures of the blankets I have completed and make them to order. Based on my time right now, I think this is best way. If you have any suggestion I would love to hear them.
In addition to that, I am working on creating and sticking to a budget. This has included couponing and meal planning. I am currently, really into one man's story of living on $1 a day. He has shown me that if he can find food and other products to donate while living on $1 a day, then I can get some products to donate to the local shelters and food banks.
I am also trying to decide if I can work from home, and what I can do that will fit into our lifestyle. It's important to me that anything I take on not interfere with my time with Sprout.
I will say that on the plus side of this JGD has finally been given the push to really pursue the career that he has wanted since graduating college and receiving his Masters. This will probably mean a move for us, which I wouldn't mind (I think) as it would probably move us closer to my family. I'd love to be in driving distance to my parents and brother. I feel very far removed from them down here. Especially, considering that JGD isn't all that close to his family, who does live here.
Anyway... thanks for listening to my babble...
(Now back to our regularly schedule program.)
I think I've decided to use established "curriculums" and enhance them when I can. Several months ago I downloaded ABC Home Preschool - Age 2. So that is what we'll be using, with addition and enhancements from other areas. It is a 9 month program, but I may extend it seeing as how we are starting in June. We'll see how Sprout does as we go along.
The first month is working on A, B and C and 0, 1, 2 and 3, transportation, and general good health practices. I will continue to give a guideline of these activities on the side.

Good luck with everything that is going on. I hope that you can all figure out what works best for your family. Please keep me posted on when you start your Etsy store. I will link up to it on my blog and let people know about it. Always like to help when I can.
ReplyDeleteNot so jolly news, but I'm happy you've shared it. We have all been there. Good luck with the blankies, and I will check out the curriculum site!
ReplyDelete(I' don't think I'm a packaged curriculum kind of mama, but who knows... and I'm always curious!)
Hang in there!
p.s. I have investigated and I'm wondering what the criteria were on which you chose this curriculum. Just curious... it doesn't look like anything extraordinary to me, and it isn't cheap. What sold you?
ReplyDeleteI did the download as opposed to having it printed for me, so it didn't cost as much. I think what I liked was the simplicity (and the lack of religious affiliation). There are definitely things that I will amend to make it fit our lives (I think that will be in a follow up blog). I also like that it gives me some kind of format to go by. This gives me an outline to follow and a jumping off point. I find the science and social studies themes to be helpful as well.
ReplyDeleteLet me know if it's worth it. My son will be 2 in November. I hope to have a better printer by then. You can reach me at Milk N' Honey Learn and Grow (www.milknhoneylearnandgrow.blogspot.com). Thanks, Shonda