Sprout is 20 months old
This week our theme is Passover. This holiday has become my favorite and I was looking forward to sharing it with Sprout. What I forgot was all the preparation that goes into getting ready for the holiday, even when you don't have it at home. We had all of our last minute errands to run to pick up the things we need for our trip to the beach. Not to mention the search for Kosher for Passover snacks.
Enough excuses... what did we do this week?
Tot Trays
This week's Tot Trays were
- Color Pom Pom Sort
- Playdough
- Seder Plate Matching and Passover Symbols Matching
- Melissa & Doug Primary Lacing Beads
- Watercolor Painting
Here is Sprout sorting the pom poms by color. I used clothespins with poms glued on to help her sort. I spent a lot of time helping to guide her with this activity, and it will take some guidance as we continue to master this skill.
I thought that this would be a good week to teach Sprout how to use watercolor paints this week. I found a variety of printables for Sprout to use and thought that it would be a good time to try something other than dot markers and crayons.
I apologize I don't have any pictures of Sprout doing the Passover matching games, but if you go to my Tot Packs page you can find the activities we did. I will say that I need to make a harder shadow matching. As soon as Sprout saw this, she took all the pieces off and then put them all right back in their correct places. She has spent the rest of the week trying/pretending to eat the Z'roah (shank bone), which resemble a chicken leg.
We started with traditional watercolor paints.
I thought that this would be a good week to teach Sprout how to use watercolor paints this week. I found a variety of printables for Sprout to use and thought that it would be a good time to try something other than dot markers and crayons.
I apologize I don't have any pictures of Sprout doing the Passover matching games, but if you go to my Tot Packs page you can find the activities we did. I will say that I need to make a harder shadow matching. As soon as Sprout saw this, she took all the pieces off and then put them all right back in their correct places. She has spent the rest of the week trying/pretending to eat the Z'roah (shank bone), which resemble a chicken leg.
We started with traditional watercolor paints.
Sprout enjoyed this, but it did seem a little tough for her to understand that she had to get the brush wet and then put it in the paint and then paint. It's a lot of steps at this point, and she enjoyed painting the paint cups more than the paper. This led me to get out the dried markers and I showed her how to use those to watercolor with markers. This was great for her.
Our main project this week was to make a "Kos Eliahu" (cup for Elijah) to give to Sprout's Aunt and Uncle who host our Seder. I always send flowers to thank them, but wanted to do something from us. This was quite the process for me, as I tried to figure out how best to make this cup. I knew what I wanted, but wasn't sure how to get there.
My first problem to solve was what to use for the base of our cup. My first thought was to take one of Sprout's old containers from her drinkable yogurt and a plastic cup to make the cup.
Then while looking for things to keep Sprout occupied during our family seder, we found an acrylic wine goblet that was really quite affordable. After finding that, there was no way I could pass it up to use my makeshift cup as the base for this gift.
To start our project, we ripped tissue paper into small pieces to glue onto our cup to get the stained glass effect.
We then used watered down glue to add the paper to the cup. Sprout enjoyed for this a little while, but after a bit she got sticky and didn't really want anymore to do with our project. I let the project dry to that point. And then let Sprout add some more paper with a glue stick. Honestly, Sprout still wasn't all that excited about it, but I got her to add a few more pieces. And to be honest, I added a couple of my own.
Our stART project his week went with Naomi Howland's The Matzah Man: A Passover Story
. We made matzah. Although, it didn't come out, as I would have hoped it was a great experience for both of us, and I'm looking forward to trying it again.
Tot Pack
We didn't use a full Tot Pack this week. I made a couple pieces of one to use with Sprout. These would be the matching games we did for our Tot Trays. Go to my Tot Packs page to find more.
Practical Play
This week we decided to turn Sprout's car seat around. We kept her rear facing because I know that it is safer for her to be rear facing for as long as possible. Click this link to read the American Academy of Pediatrics thoughts on this. Also, Sprout was not heavy enough for us to change the seat around until a couple months ago. We weren't planning to turn her seat around, but she has been showing a lot of interest in being forward facing, so we thought it was time. She seems pretty happy about it.
Sprout thought she would help us put our pots and pans away. Actually, we were quite impressed when she pulled out a couple pots and lids and matched the successfully.
Sprout also thought she would try to work on her ability to fit into small spaces. She climbed into a plastic container. (We were right there the whole time.)
Then thought she would go for a ride in her stroller. (Sorry that the second picture is a little blurry. The camera focused on her knee instead of her face, and this was all I was able to get before she climbed out.)
My little monkey is also starting to climb up the stairs on her feet instead of her knees. I don't have any pictures because she will only do this if she is holding someone's hand. This makes it a bit tough to take a picture. But I do have a picture of Sprout monkeying around at My Gym.
What we used this week
One of our favorite books this week was Dinosaur on Passover by Diane Levin Rauchwerger. This is a great book about a dinosaur who comes to visit for Passover and how an overzealous house guest can send things awry, but everyone still had a great time!
Next Week
Next week is Passover and we will be spending the week visiting with family, having seders and avoiding bread products and enjoying the pool and beach. I will be sure to share the pictures when we get back.
To learn more about Passover go to Chabad.org. To see what other Tots were up to this week go to 1+1+1=1.
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