Monday, February 15, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Errr Sunday

It's been forever since we last did an official muffin tin meal.  I thought that the color themes would be a great time to get back into it, as this is now what D is learning.  We are working on shapes and colors, as she seems to be doing pretty well with body parts and animals.

We did Muffin Tin Monday a day early this week.  This week's theme is Red, which I thought would be great to do on Valentine's Day. (Though we did nothing else.  That will probably be changing in the future.)  It was still a fun lunch to, especially in the heart muffin "tin" we have.

Going clockwise, starting in the upper right, D had strawberries, spaghetti with red sauce, red apples, grape tomatoes, more spaghetti and red pepper.

I knew that getting D to eat the spaghetti with all the fruits and veggies would be tough, but I though it was worth a shot.  Sure enough she polished on the strawberries almost as soon as I gave her her food.  Then the apples and grape tomatoes.  She ate a lot of the peppers, and then played with the spaghetti.  She ate some, and even tried to twirl it on her fork! 


  1. Nice tin! I am glad your daughter liked it too.

  2. Nice tin. We did ours for lunch yesterday too!

  3. Great tin! You did a much better job of putting the spaghetti in the tin then I did. I am impressed your DD likes the tomatoes. Mine wont eat them!

  4. Cute tin. My daughter is the same way with her fruits and veggies. The strawberries are always gone before she even looks at anything else.

  5. Here's to MTM encouraging our kiddos to eat!

  6. She chose red peppers over spaghetti, wow way to go with the vegies!

  7. ohhhh. a blue heart tin. it makes the red pop! great tin! my girls would probably go for the spaghetti first. but also. they'd get it all over their clothes, too.

  8. Looks great! I'm impressed she eats tomato!

  9. I love the muffin tin meals! I definitely need to try this with the baby now that she's eating more solids...


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