Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Follow

Friday Follow

After participating in the Ultimate Blog Party, I thought I would join in Friday Follow.  

I will try to visit as many blogs as I can while Sprout is sleeping, but I promise to stop by yours if you leave me a comment.  I am still kind of new to blogging, but I'm definitely looking to build by "blogger friend community."

A special thank you to our hosts for this blog hop, One 2 TryHearts Make Families and Midday Escapades!  

If you are new to all this like I am, you can join in by visiting this page to sign up..


  1. I am here from FF! I am your newest follower. I'd love it if you'd come visit/follow me at

    Have a great day!

  2. Hi there! Stopping by from the Friday follow!

  3. Happy Follow Friday from your newest follower! (I'm also doing my best to be green.)

  4. veterankindergartenteacherApril 17, 2010 at 1:09 AM

    Hi there. I found your blog through Friday Follow. If you would be interested in following my blog, I would gladly return the favor.

  5. Hi!!!!! I'm here from FF! I'm excited to check your blog out!
    If you get a chance, head over to mine. we are helping a baby girl in China (who happens to be an orphan) to get a life saving heart surgery so that she can hopefully find a family!!!!
    Blessings on you!


Please leave me a message. I love "talking" with other adults.


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