Today is Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day). Honestly, I have spent all day trying to find a way to address this topic. It's not one I take lightly. Though I am not a descendant of survivors I have many friends who are and have learned with some amazing survivors. In fact, I have the pleasure of saying I heard Elie Weisel read from the Torah (Hebrew Bible). It was such an amazing experience to be in the same room with such a man as he enabled all of us to take part in the commandment of listening to the Torah.
I have taken many classes on the Holocaust and read many books.
I've always felt this need to learn as much as I can about this time period in history. Probably because like many others I'm a strong believer in "If you don't learn from the past, you'll be doomed to repeat it."
As a result, I try to live my life in the most tolerant way possible. I believe everyone has the same rights and abilities. There are occasions when I feel that I am not living up to level I believe I should be at, but I try my best. I guess that's all I can ask, but when I find myself failing, I push myself to try that much harder.
Yom HaShoah is about reflection. Photographer Scott L. Sakansky has a site entitled Images for Reflection. I urge you to take a look and reflect in your own way.
I also think you should check out The Angel Forever's post for today.

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