In my blog hopping I have seen comments and buttons for Menu Plan Monday. Through the Ultimate Blog Party, I have seen even more sites. I thought I would take the time to check it out. I normally have some sort of idea what I'm thinking about for dinner during any given week, but I'm not always the best planner, so I'm normally working around what we have in the house etc... I thought I would give this a try because it means that I really need to think about our week (and it's always a crazy one with a volunteer fire lieutenant for a husband), what we have in the house, and what I need to buy and when I can get to the store.
Oh yeah, there are a couple things I should tell you before I list our menu for this week. We have a Kosher home, which means (the basics) no pork products or shellfish; and we don't mix milk and meat. Also, I am a vegetarian (well really a pescetarian), but my husband and Sprout are not (I want her to make that choice for herself when she's ready.) No it's not for political reasons, and really it's not for health reasons. It was something I had been thinking about a great deal through my early teens, but didn't want the hassle of making my own meals in a family or omnivores. This may be a little upsetting for some and if it is I apologize (if you think it might upset you skip to the next paragraph). I went to an awesome summer camp in Susanville, CA (Mountain Meadow Ranch), which was also a working ranch. To this day, I don't know if this story is true, but it was my trigger. The first year I went to camp I bottle fed a baby calf, and during my last year there the rumor was that we ate him. That was the end of eating beef (actually it was when I realized I didn't have any interest in eating my mom's brisket) and a year later I stopped eating chicken. Now that I've bored given you my rambling, er information.
So here are our plans for this week: There are some new recipes that I haven't tried before. I will have to let you know how they go after we try them out.
- Guy Fieri's Chili Rice (Made with Morningstar Crumbles) ***
- Sweet Corn Cake or Cornbread ***
- Baked Ravioli (using spinach ravioli) ***
- Salad
- Garlic Bread? Using Honey of an Oatmeal Bread
- Burgers
- Veggie/Mushroom Burgers ***
- Sweet Potato Fries
- Rolls (maybe made from Honey of an Oatmeal Bread recipe)
- Macaroni and Cheese (Broccoli)
- Salad
- Chicken Marsala
- Fake Chicken Marsala (using Gardein)
- Garlic Pasta (throw some garlic in the boiling water)
- Salad
- Challah
- Vegan Cholent? ***
- Mushroom Barley Soup?
- Sloppy Joes
- grilled cheese
- quesadillas
- grilled peanut butter and jelly (apples)
- Muffin Tin Monday
- pasta salad
- leftovers
- turkey ("Tofurky) sandwiches
The Honey of an Oat Bread recipe has become a new favorite around here (one might say we're a little addicted right now). I do change out some of the while flour for whole wheat.
Also, I decided to include the lunch ideas because it is tough to get JGD to eat lunch at home and I need to have a good brainstorm of ideas to help him eat at home. If you have any suggestions please share them with us.
To see what others have planned for the week go to Menu Plan Monday at

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